
Coltsfoot - klein hoefblad - Tussilago farfara
Published on April 4, 2018 at 6:00 by Ellen
Categorised in: Drawing and watercolour, Gardening
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I made another drawing in the garden. Looking another way now, straight ahead. The colours i used are Quincacridone rose, phthalo green and yellow ocre. I started with making black with the rose and the green. I wanted to try using only these two colours, but i gave in. With the yellow ochre and the green i could make beautiful warm greens. At the end i did use a bit pure rose for the shadows. Just because i like it.
There was also a photographer, Leander, making photos of Rutger. He made a couple of me as well. I signed a declaration that he is allowed to use the photo for publication. He will also send them to me. Hopefully!