The Philosophy Of The I Ching

Last Friday i wrote about a book called The Philosophy of the I Ching. I found a pdf file on I’ve been reading it over the weekend.

This to me is a rare time. It feels like the, i know the Dutch version of this, de schellen vielen me van de ogen. Literally this means scales fall from the eyes, but i’m not sure this is commonly used in English. This saying is originally used in the bible, Acts 9:18: Immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he could see again. Hmm, i guess i was wrong about the English translation.

But i digress. I do feel an opening in myself and a rush of thoughts coming through, looking at myself, experiencing what happens and thinking about it. Trying to find a place outside myself to deal with everything that happens.

I’m not saying this book will mean the same thing to you. I do think each and everyone of us has its own path to follow. But to me right now this book is here just at the right time. I even tried to meditate at the end of today. Not terribly successful, but i do feel i should do this more often.

This time remind me of the follwing signs: 35 Progress and 43 Break-Through (Resoluteness).

Now i do know i’m not peacefully quiet right now. No, i feel myself thinking and getting to conclusions which were out of reach for me only a short time ago. I also know i should calm down. Really.

So i did throw my coins just yet. And yes, of course, it is a completely different sign. 36. Ming I / Darkening of the light.

Ellen, calm down. Please.

My apologies for this hectic post.


Published on February 13, 2017 at 6:00 by

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