Leek and potato soup
Last Saturday i bought the leeks for today’s soup. I did go out today as well and had some oatmeal and cottage cheese shopping. I also got some cream to put in the soup. Yeah. Good! 🙂
Very easy soup this one. At the end you could put a stick blender in it and make it a smooth soup. I simply left it chunky and lovely though.
I started with a diced onion, a celery stick cut into small pieces and around 4 cloves of garlic also cut into little pieces. I used some sunflower oil to bake them in. You can also use olive oil or any other oil which you might have in the house. I still have a few potatoes from the garden. I peeled them and cut them into small cubes, around one centimeter. The leeks i simply washed and cut into small rounds.
I added black pepper and salt. Boiled one and a half liters of water and added two broth cubes. I let the soup simmer for half an hour. Then i added a good bit of cream. Done!