Today i thought of giving myself a vacation, a holiday. Two weeks of no work on this website. A time simply to enjoy the warm weather.
As it is the warmest day of the year right now, Wednesday, the day i’m writing this post, this feels very good. I’m not going anywhere, but still, some time off is a good thing. Time to let my blog go away for a bit, not need to think about what to post for a day.
My last post will be this Friday, the video i made for the Peace Garden. I need to work on it just a bit more. I like it! I hope others will do as well.
That is it for today. It is too warm to think of more things to write now!
A list of things to read and watch:
David Foster Wallace was right: Irony is ruining our culture
Youtube: How To Transform The Economy – Nerdwriter1
It’s all connected
John Lennon and Yoko Ono on Love | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital Studios