Last Friday the Dutch cabinet fell.
I have thought about this. I have watched Dutch talk shows: Op1, WNL, Buitenhof.
I noticed the clear condemnation of the Dutch politicians: verschrikkelijk, terrible was the general used word. This never should have happened. Rather easy to say after a devastating report called Ongekend Onrecht (Unknown Injustice). I did watch all the talk shows and the press conference of the cabinet in which they announced their resignation. It was a month since the report came out, and the pressure had not died down.
I do not follow Dutch politics each and every day. I do not know all the names of Dutch governors. But the past few days i watched as much as i could, read a couple of articles on reliable sources. But not nearly enough.
And it is not only Dutch politics in which things like this are happening. The whole Brexit thing, the Trump government with the storming of the Capitol on January 5 this year, only a week and a half ago.
People are fooled easily. Including me. There is hardly any truth around, only falsehoods, things skimmed over, things not told, things not seen.
Het geheugen van de Tweede Kamer is kort, zodat het verband tussen de problemen van vandaag en de oplossingen van gisteren zelden wordt opgemerkt.
The memory of the House of Representatives is short, therefore the connection between problems of today and solutions of yesterday is seldom noticed.
Source: de Correspondent: Tienduizenden gedupeerden, maar geen daders: zo ontstond de tragedie achter de toeslagenaffaire