Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX80
So, today, in the afternoon, i got the money from selling my house. I thought about it for a couple of minutes. I paid some bills. And i put on my shoes and my coat and went out. To buy myself a new camera. I walked to Foka and talked with the person who helped me yesterday and said i was there to buy. To spend money. A Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX80. A mirrorless interchangable lens camera. I had read the Buying Guide: Best cameras for video and this camera was the budget recommendation. Cost me quite a bit of money, but it is still below 1500 euros.
So good! A big sigh, sure. So many things to learn. I only got around to charging up the camera. I made a few photos of Mouse asleep in front of the heating. But i didn’t get how to connect the camera to my computer. In the instructions they talk about the smartphone connection. Hmm.
I also bought a bag and a tripod for shooting video. Not terribly expansive, but still ok. And i did get an insurance for three years. Since i take the camera out a lot, i think it needs it.
I have bought two lenses. One a 14-140, the equivalent of a 28-280 for a full frame DSLR camera. The other a 60 mm macro lens for portraits and close ups. That one i get in a few days, it wasn’t in the shop.
The next days i will be reading the instructions, use the camera out and about. Use all the different buttons. Get to know it. Thoroughly.
PS. I was lying in bed and it suddenly dawned on me. The cable i used to charge up the battery had an USB side. So that was the way to connect it to my computer. I got out and presto! So at the end is a photo i made. Large. Not raw, but a jpg. It is fine for now.
PPS. The names of this camera are different in different parts of the world. It is the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX80, GX85 or GX7II in Europe, US and Japan respectively.