A good day
I got out of bed at 9:30. I had opened the door beforehand, and Mieke was lying and meowing and giving heads and stretching her paw at me several times, before she jumped of the bed. When i got out i did my usual things. Turning on the gas stove. I gave Muis some catty food, gave him an diabetes injection, took my own diabetes pills.
And then i sat on my meditation pillow for a short bit. Around five minutes i guess. Simply sitting, breathing. Listening to the sound of the stove, looking outside at the bare trees, the flat across the water. Sometimes having my eyes closed.
I got up and started to prepare my breakfast. Two eggs and hüttekase make a good omelet. Half an avocado, with some salt and pepper and some balsamic. Good.
I always leave a bit of omelet to give to Muis. He sits at my feet, usually quiet, like today. I slice his bits into little pieces. And give it to him. In ten seconds it’s all gone.
Time for some work. Well, ok, first i check out facebook, twitter, my email, all spam. And then some work.
OK i cheated a bit. Played an hour of Warcraft. After i worked for an hour. Now i got to dress up. I’m still wearing my onesie. Then i go to the garden to empty my compost bucket. After that i go to the market for some more vegetables and eggs. And then some more work! Yay!
It is cold! Brrrr. Happy i had my pink shawl on. A quick jump into the market. Gonna make another soup this afternoon. I already had some veggies at home, but i bought some broccoli and beetroots to go with it. And i treated myself to some doner. Only meat this time.
In the Albert Heijn i pinched some carrot cake frosting bit which was lying in the shop. I got some bread and cat food. That is it for now.
Gonna work a bit more, then i will watch Escape to the Country. And after that i will make my soup. Yum!
It is a quarter to eight right now. I’m gonna watch a movie. Star Wars. The first one! Will most likely watch the other ones the next days. Yesterday i watched Terminator. Been ages since i last saw it. Very 80s special effects. To be honest, the second Terminator movie, the one from 1991, i have seen more times. Enjoyed it. But this is also for the sci fi blockbuster post i’m gonna write, most likely next week.
Star Wars seen. Strange to look back and recall the memory of me seeing it in 1977 together with my nephew. We had a Big Mac in the MacDonalds beforehand. It had just opened on the Coolsingel. We had a seat in the cinema way up above.
Anyway, a day a lot more quiet than yesterday. Tomorrow i’ll be going to my mother, not sure what i’ll be posting then. For now, i’m getting ready to go to bed. Hopefully i’ll sleep all night through. Hopefully.