The garden, some shopping, some planning and tv
I played a bit of vanilla wow this morning. I started a tauren shaman this week. I felt the need to be alone in the game for a bit. I don’t listen to global, full of requests and people talking and bickering about all sorts of things. I don’t have any friends on the horde side. So i’m simply playing along quietly all by myself. Good for an hour a day!
I will go to the garden once i’m dressed. Yesterday i was thinking about going this evening, but since i plan to go for a walk this afternoon, i thought i would be a bit tired afterwards. So i decided to go before. Simply water the tomatoes, the basil, the greenhouse plants. Sit and enjoy the sunshine for a while. Because the sun is shining! Yay!
And now i’m reading this article in the Guardian: The secret of taste: why we like what we like. I don’t think i’m part of the group of people written about. My taste hasn’t changed that much. I still have all my records. OK, apart from the ones i sold when i was 17 years old. Something i regretted most of my life. My taste in music is widening – apart from the Eagles, which i thoroughly dislike for the past twenty years or so. My taste in clothes, well, that does change. But slowly. I do enjoy wearing dresses with leggings nowadays. I don’t drive, so cars are simply not existent for me. And to be honest, my furniture is either given by friends, bought at IKEA, or bought second-hand. Ooh, and a Kewlox cabinet.

I planned to walk this afternoon. But i didn’t. I stayed at the garden around an hour this morning. Someone came by and i showed her the garden and we talked a bit. I went to the shop on my way home. Bread, butter, eggs and some sort of sponge cake, eierkoeken. And then i played a little vanilla wow, watched Escape to the country and the instant gardener. I also slept a little. And now i feel tired.
But, i am gonna make a miso ramen soup now. That will wake me up for sure!
Watching The Devil Wears Prada. Liking it. I also made some clips of advertisements. Got this idea of making a short clip with those. Not sure how that will worj out, but i do like the idea. No music yet. Will search for a good bit tomorrow. Will also make new clips for it. But i have time. Also thought a bit about love. I might write a post about that. A bit surprised about all the ideas, but hey, i do like em.
Getting busy 🙂