Raw pickled beetroot
Last evening i sat down for a bit, on the ground on my meditation pillow with a cushion for my knees. The meditation pillow i have for around twenty years or so. I mainly use it as a doorstop. My cats have a habit of closing doors, when they don’t really want to.
I sat down in my room for around half an hour. I listened to all the sounds in the house and outside. The tram in the street next to mine riding by. Cars in the distance. A couple of cars closer by. Birds singing and chirping.
Writing this down now makes me listen to the sounds outside. The balcony door is open. It was raining a lot today. When i was on the market it started to rain once again. I hoped i had picked an hour in between rain, but no. Still, i was sitting besides the library for a while, went inside the Markthal to go to the Asian supermarket and get some soy sauce. When i went back home it was dry once more.
Today i made raw pickled beetroot. Last week i bought a couple, and i had two in the fridge. I looked around for a good recipe. Several i found for cooked or baked beetroot. This one is for thinly sliced raw beetroot. I like it raw. I’ve made salads with raw beetroot. Last week for the bonfire evening in the Peace Garden i made a salad with raw beetroot, raw carrot, raisins, a bit of honey and a dressing with olive oil, mustard and vinegar. Some feta separately, to add to if you wanted it. Tasted good!

The pickle was easy. First i got the water, apple vinegar, sugar, peppercorns, star anise, salt and cayenne pepper in a small pan and set it up to heat through completely. I started to slice the beetroot on my mandolin. I had set it to a very small distance, so i would get thin slices. I sliced half a red onion after that, and one garlic clove.
I searched for a pot which would fit the beetroot. I boiled water enough for the pot to be covered with it and set it to dry on a piece of kitchen paper. I filled the pot with some beetroot, added some onion and garlic. Going on until the pot was filled. I had some beetroot left over. Enough for my soup for tonight.
I let the pot cool for an hour or so. Now it is standing in the fridge for at least two days. After that they are done.
Bon appetit!