A meeting, bread, eggs, butter and some time to unwind.
I had a meeting this morning. I talked a lot. A lot even. So much to say. Somewhat hectic, i admit.
It was good.
I went to the shop afterwards. Bread, eggs and butter. My breakfast. Home. I still felt the tension inside. I listened to music, sang along with some songs. Reasons from Earth, Wind & Fire. Love that song!
I remember singing along with this song when i was twelve years old. Standing outside my older sister with the album Gratitude in my hands.
I should try and sing this song a cappella. Practice it at least. Hmm.
I did read a couple of D.F. Wallace articles this afternoon. Consider the Lobster. Hail the Returning Dragon, Clothed in New Fire. Federer as Religious Experience.
I got this idea for a post. About this last year. About the sexual feelings i had. Have. I need some time to think about this, some time to write and rewrite.
Still tired.