Sunday 10 May 2020
This morning i got out of bed around ten. I made breakfast. Almond pancakes with bacon, butter, strawberries and a bit of coconut blossom sugar. Around twelf i went back upstairs. Played a bit of warcraft. Yesterday i got my mount! And i turned fifty! Yay!
Around three i went downstairs to take a shower. I washed my hair. I washed myself. Feels good.
I made some dinner: greens with a tomato, cucumber and two sausages. The sausages i bought at the market yesterday. It was open again. Different, yes. But still, it felt good. And tomorrow the library is open once again. I love that!
This evening i watched Homeland together with Ted and Assie. Then i went up to write this post.
Nothing special. Sure. A slow leave it be Sunday. No walks. No work.
And i really enjoy it.