A hard day’s work
Today i spend the afternoon working in the Vredestuin Noord. It is a lovely day, the sun is shining. Together with Hilde i spend the afternoon working hard.
We did the following:
- we seeded three full trays of courgette/zuchini and three full trays of pumpkins
- we watered all the seedlings and the plants in the greenhouse
- we watered all the new planted grapes at the pergola, five liters for each grape
- we watered the calendula, the kohlrabi, the chamomile, the beetroot, the parsnips and other root plants seeded in the bed
- we talked about Friday, when i will be working at the Vredestuin Noord, we will seed chard and flowers, the cosmos and the zinnia!
Just after five i was simply too tired to harvest anything. I walked back home slowly. I made a salad, with spinach and half a avocado and tomato and pepper and soft goat cheese. Yum! After that i got a cup of coffee. Thanks for that!
And now i’m too tired to do anything else. Bye bye! Enjoy the photos i made!