Bruno Latour
Today, Monday, i went to the library. My first task was copying the recipes from the diabetes 2 book i have borrowed from Emma. I will give the book back this Wednesday.
Secondly i have looked up books written by Bruno Latour this morning on the website of the library. I came across Latour’s name and work by reading the Dutch book Het goede leven en de vrije markt. I intend to write about this book later on. I do need some more time to think about it. For the people who do read Dutch, here is a pdf file with the first 40 pages.
I’m happy i found three Latour books available in the library. There is another one called Science in action in the stockroom of the library. I might get that one later.
The books are:
- We Have Never Been Modern
- Down to Earth: Politics in the New Climatic Regime.
- Face à Gaïa: Huit conférences sur le Nouveau Régime Climatique (Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime
I do have all the books in dutch. The links are to english translations of the books.