After i got my new computer, i bought the World of Warcraft Legion and battle of Azeroth update. I also bought three months of subscription. I was curious. It's been three years since i last played the official game. I enjoyed the private servers, but it is a different game from the current one.
Many old wow friends still play the game. They still are in my friends list. Yes, my guild the Wanderers is not as active anymore. Many have moved to another guild, another server. But the friends list goes over the entire game. Or rather, Blizzard games.
I play my min rogue Rada. I did use the level 100 upgrade on my gatherer Rasha, my old shaman i created in the Burning Crusade. Rada is a leather worker and alchemist, Rasha is a skinner and herbalist. I enjoy leveling them together. I also enjoy leveling my crafts. It is more complicated than the older systems. More quests, upgrades of recipes. Leather gear i can actually wear on Rada.
I try to level slowly. Take my time. Read the quests. I don't play as much as i used to. An hour or two each day.
I do love this game. I don't agree with every decision Blizzard makes, of course not. There are many lovely memories in world of Warcraft.
I'm happy to be back. And it is good to talk to my wow friends once again. 🙂
Rasha in Stormheim
Rasha's professions