Still a bit too tired
I still don’t sleep too well. I do hope it will get better soon. Lying awake a big part of the night. Last night i had the photos in my mind i made during the day. For a new post. Photos of people working in the garden. I made a draft for that post today. Changed the title to Friends of the Peace garden. And i added it to the friends category. It still could change. But yes, it could be my first post in this category.
I still need to make more photos. Not everybody was there yesterday. There is still tomorrow, Friday and Sunday. So i’m hoping i will catch most. I like the photos i made sofar. Text will be simple. The name. A single paragraph, or a line, why the person is working in the garden. Maybe a profession, anything they value can be added. A link to their website, to their facebook page. Still a week to prepare!
I did sing a bit more today. I have a playlist with most of the songs on this website. Only for some songs i need the lyrics, many i know by heart. I cried with one song. Not sure why. It is not one of my faves. I Would Stay from Krezip. I choked. It is a sensitive song, written by someone young. About living, growing up.
I’m still growing up myself. I’ve learned lots, yes. But each day there is something new to learn.
And then the I Ching.
Old favourites. 56. Lü / The Wanderer. One which i got loads of times before, one of which i thought hmmmm, might that one fit me?. Pretty sure now it does. The top tow lines are changing, and there it is: 31. Hsien / Influence (Wooing). Well-known signs to me. Feels a bit like coming home.
See you tomorrow.