Today i baked my first bread ever!
I haven’t eaten it yet. It is still cooling down. I will take a slice this evening. Curious!
It does feel heavy. But when i knock on the bottom with my finger, i hear a good hollow tick.
I did use a recipe from Nigel Slater which was published in the Guardian. I did divide it by two, since i only wanted to make one loaf. I also left out the parmesan. I didn’t have any. The honey and the walnuts i did add. I had plenty of those in my house.
- 200 g spelt flour
- 200g rye flour
- 50 g wheat flour
- 5 g yeast
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 300 ml warm water
- 1,5 tbsp honey
- 50 g walnuts
It wasn’t very difficult. But i do know, since it is my first, that many things could have gone wrong. I might have kneeded it not long enough. Or too long! I might have baked it too long. A bit.. like 5 minutes. But still, it was a good thing for me to do. I still have enough flour to make 4 other loaves. I will buy some more seeds, i like that. And yeah, i might give the parmesan a try.
I did do some research beforehand. Especially about sourdough. But most recipes for that said it would take a couple of days to make. So i’m starting with yeast, simple dried yeast. I will make a sourdough starter one day. Curious!