Rotterdam – Bridges and buildings
This week i made two walks long the river the Nieuwe Maas running through Rotterdam. One across the Willemsbrug and over the Noordereiland, the other along the Boompjeskade over the Erasmusbrug and over the Wilhelmina Pier to Hotel New York. I filmed clips all along the walks. The idea of using short clips of structures i got in between the two walks. The second walk i made these clips.
The music choice was difficult. I was doubting my first pick of Re-Education Through Labour by Chris & Cosey. It is a long time favourite, but it’s been years since i last listened to it. In 1982 or 1983 i bought their album Trance which has this track on it. In the end, i didn’t change my mind. It is not a nice happy go lucky track, but it does fit Rotterdam in some ways. Or any town for that matter.
Enjoy the clip!