Categories for My story


22 June 2024

I do not feel happy. I feel lost. Not sure which way to go. So i sit still. I do not move.

Today i went into town. I tried on two t-shirts in HM. They didn’t fit too well. Almost see through. I walked home.

I am close to tears, but not crying. I feel so sad.

So confused.

So lost.

23 June 2024

I cleaned up the house for a bit during the morning, before i took a shower. I moved my bed, hovered underneath it. I took the vacuum cleaner upstairs and did the kitchen, the front room, the hallway. I cleaned the toilet. I cleaned up one wall of tiles in the kitchen, the top of the refrigerator and the washing machine.

A shower.

I played a bit of World of Warcraft. Around twelve i walked to Donner in the centre. I sat at the large table with the newspapers and magazines. I started talking with Hans. Andre and Martin joined us. We talked about the old V&D, the Hema, all the gone and lost shops on the Lijnbaan. Andre mentioned he drinks lots of tea from Thee Maas. One he mentioned was a jasmin tea. You put three round jasmin drops in a cup and let it sit in hot water for four minutes. I should get some.

After they had left i heard some shouting drifting in. Someone was standing in front of the Zara across the street. A pro Palestinia demonstration. “There is one solution!” What did they mean by that? No Israel anymore? I can not imagine that.

On my way to the supermarket i walked past a pro Israelian demonstration near the city hall. All five of them.

This brought me close to tears.

I feel much better today. I do feel sad about the world.

All the people walking by, shopping themselves away.

And yes, i was looking for some new things myself. A white t-shirt. Didn’t find one. Also thinking that i don’t really need one. I have enough.

I have plenty.

Published on June 24, 2024 at 6:00 by

The week before

Last Friday i had a talk with a person at the Paulus Church. My post gets delivered there. The difficulty of my current situation finally hit me. I won’t talk about it too much here. It is a personal problem.

Since then i felt a sinking feeling inside of me. On the other hand, i did start to work seriously on my new video clip. I will finish it and post it next week. I am happy i am continuing to work on this important personal project.

After that i will take a few weeks off on updating this website. I am giving myself some time to think about my future and take some steps.

Bye bye for now. Take care!

Published on May 13, 2024 at 6:00 by

Nearing the end

My feelings right now about my work here is that it is nearing its end. I am working on the video clip i want to post in a couple of weeks. Than i’ll take a break. I will give myself some time to think about my life and see what way i will be heading towards. Of course not think about my world famous work which still is in the future, my video clip. I don’t know what will happen.

I will do my best though. Of course.

Published on March 18, 2024 at 6:00 by

Birthday present

The Warm & Spicy: Maison Margiela Replica Jazz Club
Maison Margiela’s Replica fragrance line is all about bottling a mood. Each fragrance tackles the vibe of a specific period with the intent of transporting the wearer to that moment in time. Jazz Club is a trip back to the Harlem Renaissance and the ambiance of a speakeasy where patrons sip cocktails and smoke cigars while listening to the genre’s greats perform.

Notes: The scene is set with notes of tobacco leaf, pink pepper, and rum absolute, which play together beautifully to create a warm, spicy scent with a sense of mystery.

Source: How I Discovered My Signature Scent Among All the Best Perfumes for Women

Published on February 26, 2024 at 6:00 by

Work in progress

For around ten month i have been thinking about a new video clip. First i was going to make it with drawings. I changed my mind. I would film! I had no song, nothing came up. Only in January this year, 2024, i came up with the last refrain of the song A little knowledge.

I used this text in the drawings i made 8 February 1986. It is strange how picking this text can elude you so easily. It gave me a good title for the video clip: A verse for nothing.

It will be a while before i am done with this clip. Some parts i have filmed, but other parts not. It’ll be a month, two months before i am done. I do feel happy. Also a bit nervous. Of course.

Lets hope for the best.

Here’s a verse for nothing
An introduction
To the way the world will be
Now we’re apart and alone
Mustn’t be unhappy
When you remember
Lovers never lose each other
Oh, such a lot to be learned
Published on February 5, 2024 at 6:00 by

Endless time

Around ten months ago i got the idea of making another video clip. Yay! i thought. I was gonna make a hand drawn video, like the drawings i make and publish here. I thought about it for months. I set up a new video in flash. I was going to publish it in quicktime.

Then i changed my mind. Slowly the idea of filming and making the video in final cut pro took over. That is where i’m at right now. But i still don’t know the song, i only have filmed a few bits of me walking over paths. But i have ideas of filming myself dancing, singing, staring at the world.

I will make this video. I will. It doesn’t need to be smooth, doesn’t need to be fancy. I want it to be truthful, close to my life as it is right now. Working, walking, reading, watching movies and television. Well, walking, singing and dancing is enough material.

I hope i will find the song soon. Maybe it is one i have already sung. Maybe it is from a favourite group, maybe it is a new song. I don’t know. I do know where i will sing it. The bathroom where i live has a beautiful sound. Of course.

I am happy i am not letting go of this idea. I am happy thoughts keep changing bit by bit. Even though i feel quite sad lately, and alone in this world, i still have these ideas to make me happy.

One more week till Christmas! Not that special to me, but still, a week off is nice. Yay!

Published on December 18, 2023 at 6:00 by


Last week, during one night, i woke up. It was around two, three maybe?

My head was filled with worry about why i had sold my house, now almost six years ago. It startled me. I thought i had left this far behind me. But no.

It is strange that now i work, i make a bit of money, i could easily live in my old house with the mortgage i was paying for it at the time.

There is of course nothing i can do about it. It is a time gone by. I live here and now. I’m still not sure what way my life will take. I do know waking up last week did something to me. Yes, i feel a bit sad. Yes, it is difficult right now.

I’m not letting it take me down. Sure, i can worry, i can feel sad, lost. But the next day i’m still good to go.

Published on November 20, 2023 at 6:00 by