Categories for My story


When i was around twelve years old erotic feelings came into my life. Masturbation was my secret pastime during the evenings. I loved doing it. I lied on my belly and and rubbed against the sheet. I still remember the orgasms. They were wonderful.

My first kiss was on Tenerife on holiday. In the moonlight on a beach. We had sat in a disco. My holiday friend was kissing this other guy and i felt completely embarrassed. When we left the disco and went to the beach, he kissed me. Woah. After the holiday he came along, all the way from Blackpool, England. I remember buying a XTC record, Black sea, when we visited the record store Plato. I also remember my mum telling me he had said to her he didn’t get it why i went to the gymnasium, the Dutch highest level high school. I would get married anyway? Sorry Jim, you shouldn’t have said that! Bye bye!

Back at school i developed a crush on Marc. We went out one time. I didn’t say a word! We didn’t go out after that. Duh. And he got back together with his former girlfriend. But i did fall in love, and we did get this sort of intermittent thing. We did kiss on the exams night when we set up tents on the school ground. And there was more kissing on other evenings. We never went all the way. Not for lack of trying. It just didn’t happen. We both went to Delft to study. But there it was left to fade away. And then i left Delft and went to the Rotterdam art school after four years. Never to see him again.

At sixteen i got on to the pill. Together with my mum i went to our doctor. Periods were giving me lots of pain. The doctor suggested that the pill would be a good option for me. So for the next five years i was having no trouble with periods and protected from getting pregnant at the same time! Not that i was having sex. When i was around twenty-one twenty-two, i decided i would quit the pill. I wasn’t having any sex anyway, and i would see how my periods were going. It was alright. Maybe i was getting a bit fiercer and the periods simply didn’t bother me that much anymore. Or maybe they were getting less painful. I didn’t know. The thought of taking these hormones each day was not a pleasant one. The pill was out!

In Delft, I do remember sitting with a friend, Marcel, in his room. Later on he said he was surprised there was no attraction between us. I do know that i simply wasn’t thinking about sex with him at all. I just liked him. No other guys attracted me in Delft. Well, apart from this gorgeous guy whom i only stared at in the college room. That got to nothing at all, of course.

I did meet another guy in a pub Dizzy. I went out alone. I actually said i to Rens was feeling recalcitrant. We had a long talk. Not sure it was that same evening or later, but i also do remember going out to McDonalds with him and having a long long talk about all sorts of things. He asked me to come to his place and have dinner. So i did. And then we tried to have sex, but sadly no. I couldn’t go along with it, it just didn’t feel sexy at all. It did pain me to say it, but that is what i did. He was a bit upset. I did stay and sleep over, the next day we had breakfast together. And that was it.

Rotterdam. Where i lived from December 1985. School started in August 1986. I had a talk with a teacher in a pub. He asked me what i really really wanted. For someone to really love me, i answered. I meant it. A friend pulled me away from him and i went home. A week later, in his class, he was sitting there with a his face turning red. We never talked about it. He was having sex with other students. Not for me.

No other boys at art school got me interested. Or girls. I was thinking that maybe i was lesbian. But i simply didn’t fall in love with a girl. I did have best friends. I believed. After art school, from where i graduated in 1991, me and a friend organized an exhibition about sex, Sexposition. It was in the Fabriek, a squatted old factory with studio’s and a large exhibit room, in the west part of Rotterdam, close to the Delfshaven tube station.

We worked on it for a year. We got a subsidy. Marlies Dekkers showed her exam work. We also organized an evening of sex, with art work, a lingerie show, some singing and other things happening. It was sold out. All that time, i never had gotten any sex myself.

The evening of the show, i went out with a small group afterwards. We went to Tudor bar on the Nieuwe Binnenweg. I went to this place so many times in the 80s. At the end of the evening this guy named Bart asked me to go to his home with him. And i said yes! He had a waterbed! Man, that was a surprise when i stepped into it. We made out. No sex though, grrr. I fell in love a bit, but nothing happened. I think a few days or weeks later i went by and we talked a little, but no, nothing.

Around christmas 1992 i gave a dinner party at my place. I read a story to a couple of my friends. Ben, a friend of a friend, was there too. A few weeks later, at new years eve, we started to kiss.

So yes, a couple of days after that Ben asked me to have dinner at his place. I stayed the night. Not completely sure of the timings here (it’s been 22 years!), but we did have sex around that time. What i do remember is that we tried and the first time it didn’t go. But when he was asleep and i was awake, i went to him and started kissing and he woke up and yes, then it happened. For the first time. I was 28 years.

We were together for like two, three months. He gave me one of his works, a foamy yellowish cast of a painting. It still hangs in my house. Then we broke up. We were not in love. We liked each other, but that was it.

Well, i knew that. But still, it was a lot for me to come to terms with. And i got a fever. I was sick for a week. A close friend Femke took me out to the Veluwe, a national park in the center of the Netherlands. We walked and talked. I was not feeling good.

I didn’t see Ben for many years. Only later, when i bumped into him at a friends house and i was too surprised to not say hi, i realized he is just a nice guy. Now when i see him, once every two three years, we can do some small talk.

A 1997 i started to work on Or rather, In July 1998 i got an e-mail from Jeroen, ‘hulde! prachtige site!’ (‘honour! beautiful site!’). A friendship started. With Jeroen who also lives in Rotterdam, of all places. And i fell in love. And he did not. With me anyway. I have some e-mails in which we talked about it. We were outspoken and honest with each other. But no, it wasn’t going to be. No no no.

Reading those e-mails, thinking back about those days, i do see now i was so serious, nice, but also close to impossible. It reminds me of the thoughts i have about myself while i was in art school. I see now i was very closed up. Nothing the teachers said to me really got through. I was like this knot all tied up.

I came closer to the dark years. The years of not working on lfs. Of me trying to get away from it all. Of me playing warcraft. Of me not seeing anyone. Of me going though the motions. Everything seemed to be coming to a full stop, while time was running onwards.

Looking back at it, the first half of last year, 2014, was the ultimate full stop.

I talked about it with a friend, and he came with this job offer later on. In August i started working there.

I’m not sure what happened. I felt like i was hit by a sledgehammer. It was a short crush on this person which felt very strange to me. Which i could switch off rather easily once i realized that he was married.

I started to work on again. After 8 years. I started to daydream. And i felt aroused. I felt alive again, which was a really good feeling.

So now i’m here. March 2015. My sixth week of working on I still feel that sledge hammer hit me when was it? September 2014? October 2014? I still feel the energy inside waiting to be pulled out and used.

Looking back at my life. It does feel like completely mine. I’m truly happy with that. Nothing really bad has ever happened to me.

I will take my steps into the future. I have said it before, i gotta stay close to what i want, deep inside. I managed that so far, i hope i will keep on doing that.

Published on March 17, 2015 at 6:00 by

My work

The first year at art academy was glorious. It was 1986 – 1987. I was living by myself for around nine months. The first year was introductory, with a week long travel into Germany in autumn. I loved sculpture, drawing, art history. I loved it all. I remember working with plaster in sculpture. I collected the plaster dust which other people dropped and made small work with it on the floor. Geometric and organic shapes. And of course completely unable to save them. For an assignment for a drawing class, something with weaving, i started to use paint over the entire paper and cut and use it over each other. I actually wrote a paper about Scritti Politti for art history. Pretty sure it was all a lot of nonsense, but i loved it. Still a shame i never got that paper back.

After that first year it did go downhill. I tried painting. That didn’t work, i got a zero and had to choose another subject. Photography and ‘monumental’ (sorry, no idea how to translate that) was better. It did get more serious. I got more serious.

I’m not sure why i started to make self portraits. I know we had an assignment early, maybe even in the first year, to draw yourself. I made these sketchy drawings, which didn’t look like me at all. Later on i started to make photos of myself. First at home, later in the school studio. I still don’t completely understand why i made these. I do know i looked pretty in the photos. I don’t think i was aware of that in my daily life.

My exams art academy work i used in Homebase, Feel me – Free me – Fuck me. The photos were large, around 1 square meter each. The text was done with transparencies in the darkroom. It was just before Photoshop took over. The photos were from different sessions. I do think the first two were made in the school’s studio with studio lighting. The third one i made at home with flash light.

I’m not sure about this work. I do see the work that went into them. It’s just, they do not speak clearly to me. They feel like an intermediate work to me now.

In 1994 i started to work at the printing office. It was hard work, but also a lot of fun. That was the time we made the christmas cd. I sang my own song.

In 1995 at work we got a modem and an internet account. I took that home during the weekend. I loved it! I started to play muds. Micromuse was the first world i visited. I worked on building an old Greek part in there. Windsmare was my first game world. I started playing other muds. I also started to play Angband, a roguelike game.

In 1997 i started my own website on ~ellen on Which to my surprise is still there! I went through my links just to see if any were still life. The only relevant one today is Superbad. Which is still one of my favourite websites ever.

The years after that are documented on in these text presents:

The past nine years were crowded with playing World of Warcraft, especially raiding. The past 4 years were busy with work. Trying to get it, trying to make enough money to keep living.

The last five months have been hectic. From ecstatic happy to truly sad.

I’ve met some old friends again. I do feel my life is much better than were i was a year ago.

I do know i will not get my old life back. Too much has changed. Some friends got children. It’s different. Everyone’s life has moved on.

And me? I got a bit of time. A bit of money. To make this website work.


Published on March 4, 2015 at 6:00 by

My birthday!

Happy birthday Ellen!

25 february 20:19
I’ll fill up this post tomorrow during the day. For now, a relaxed evening watching tv or reading is up. Seeya tomorrow!

26 february 9:30
I just got out of bed. The weather is a bit dreary. But that’s OK, i don’t mind. I still don’t sleep too well. That has been going on since October last year. I do wake up or don’t fall asleep at all. But during the day, when i sit down, i have small sleeps. And sometimes i go to bed real early, like at nine.

Yesterday I listened to music. No tv, no reading.

So for now, i’m gonna make myself a bit of breakfast, bread with egg. After that i’m gonna make myself some coffee with a cookie. After that a shower and than i’m gonna take of and go and think of my present. See you later!

26 february 10:10
I have another comment! A hug and a smooch. Yes! Seems like non-Dutch people are commenting more. But hmm… with only two comments that’s a bit early to say. [Edit: non-Dutch = US ]

26 february 13:27
Back home! I bought my present. It’s still packed. I went to the Marqt as well, got me some bread and butter. Also dark chocolate ice cream! And chocolate!

I also went to Platenburg and bought myself a nice bottle of good red wine, a Pieri Rosso di Motalcino 2012. We also had a small glass of white Colombard Sauvignon (sorry, i forgot the official title) to celebrate my birthday.

I bumped into Hans, a good old friend while i was walking to Skins. He just came out of a shoe shop with his two kids and his girlfriend. With some shoes for his kids.

Well, that was if for now. Gonna make me some lunch now.

26 february 14:54
Just wrote my short and easy post for tomorrow. Picked out the photos and did some minor touch ups on them in Photoshop. Done!

Also had a chat with Leonard Grossman on Facebook, who has been following my work since 1997. It’s weird to realize that is 17 years ago.

Liked all the congratulations of Facebook too, thanks everyone!

26 february 15:19
Unpacked my present!



Review by Katie Puckrik Smells

26 february 17:07
Gonna watch a bit of tv. First the Great British Menu on SBS 6, 17:30 – 18:05. Than i think i will dance a bit with my headphones on! I usually go through my mixtapes and see if there is any song i wanna dance to. It’s different each day. I do check out De wereld draait door on NPO 1, 19:00 – 19:50. Than i usually check The Big Bang Theory, the news and any other channel. This evening there is the show i watch every week: The Great British Sewing Bee on BBC 2, 21:00 – 22:00.

As for food, i will warm up the Rhubarb Crumble i made yesterday. Post on that tomorrow, it’s real easy to make. I might eat a sandwich later this evening. And coffee with some chocolate, or maybe evening a chocolate drink. Hmmm.

And then i’ll drink some of the wine i bought today.

After 22:00 i might type in a little more. Not sure. We’ll see 🙂

26 february 22:07
So, the final piece. I just watched The Great British Sewing Bee. Loved it! It was structure week. They had to make a corset, change an 80s suit and make a kilt! I had never thought about how a kilt should be made. Now i know.

I’ll be going to bed soon. It was a lovely day. Thank you all for your congrats.

Good night!

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Published on February 26, 2015 at 6:00 by

My eight favourite album covers

My eight favourite album covers, out of my own collection of vinyl. Or rather, seven albums, one single. It’s not my favourite music, but there is some overlapping. I did start out with ten covers, but wasn’t sure about a couple. So decided i didn’t want to use these and ended up with eight.

If you wanna see my music taste, you might go and see my MIX stuff on Spotify. I made a present for those playlists.

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Published on February 20, 2015 at 6:00 by