Categories for Rotterdam

Rotterdamse Oogst Markt

Last saturday i went to the Rotterdamse Oogst Markt (Rotterdam Harvest Market). I’m a bit equivocal about this market. When the weather is good, like it was this saturday, it does feel nice. There is good food, and the stalls on the whole are diverse. The ones with vegetables and bread i like the best. There are also many ready made food and sweet stalls. I didn’t go to the regular market, but i do like that one better. You have to be more picky with what you buy there, but it is a regular market, where people simply buy food and other things they need.

This saturday i did buy some spring onions, some bread with seaweed and oregano freshly picked that morning in Heijplaat, an area in south Rotterdam. I also got some turkish bread, hummus and olives for later that day when i would drink some wine with my neighbour Angela. We made a walk around the city centre later on, got ourselves some icecream and enjoyed the sunshine and good weather.

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Published on June 8, 2015 at 6:00 by

A walk from Amersfoort to Leusden

A visit to my mum on wednesday. My mum Nelly and her husband Jan, who live in Leusden. It’s an hour by train from Rotterdam. Usually they pick me up at the train station with the car, but this time i was going for a walk. Beforehand i checked the map and saw it was around 5 to 6 kilometers from Amersfoort to Leusden. An hours walk.

I took the train around 10 from Rotterdam. In Amersfoort i started walking. I knew which way i had to go, but i wasn’t looking at all the street names to see if i was going right. I went through the Vlasakkerweg and the Bergstraat past the centre of Amersfoort. At a roundabout i saw the bike roadsign with the name Leusden on it, happy i went through a lovely street with old houses. I walked past the Albert Cuijpstraat. Then i came to a large roundabout with like 6 streets going from it and with lotsa work going on. On one lantern i saw the bike road sign with Leusden on it. The problem was that it was pointed to one of the streets on the roundabout, i just didn’t know which one.

I took a chance and walked into one of the streets. Midway that street it was completely broken up and there were signs no bicycles were going through, so i went to a side street called the Bosweg. I got a feeling i wasn’t walking in the right direction anymore. At a bus station with a map i tried to find where i was. An older man walked past and i asked him how i should walk to Leusden. Yeah, i had to turn around, go through the works going on, which should be possible and follow the signs there leading me to Leusden.

I went through streets named after gemstones. The Emerald street. The Diamond way. The Sapphire street.

I turned on the Dorresteinseweg. That is not a gemstone, it’s a name. The street wasn’t named after a single Dorrestein though, else it would have the first name too. I walked past some nice houses and saw that it was a dead end, but not for bikes and walkers. At the end were some flats the Eemgaarde.

I walked further on the biking path and saw a tunnel under the freeway. I had to pass the freeway to get to Leusden, so i took it.

The road went on. Suddenly i was out of the city of Amersfoort and in the countryside. Behind me the cars speeding. In the fields besides the small road sheep and lambs were lying about, eating a bit, some asleep. At the turn a forest started. I stood there reading the signs, thinking what would be the quickest way to get to my mum. I asked a man who walked behind me and who was planning to go into the forest. He said he was going for a special walk in there. He said that if i wanted to get to Leusden quickly, i should walk past the road, than a bit besides a small freeway and then enter Leusden. I followed his advice. It was a pleasant walk, on sort of a broad path beside the road. I wasn’t sure it was a path to be honest. It was walkable though.

I crossed a small bridge and saw the freeway further on. I followed the mans advice and walked past the way on the bike path. Later on, when i showed my mum how i walked, i saw that it was shorter to cross the freeway and walk over the Burgemeester de Beaufortweg. On the other hand, i would have missed walking the Lisidunalaan and going on the footpath besides the water. The footpath was lined with elderflowers. Ducks were on the path and in the water besides. It felt like a magical path in the midst of Leusden.

I turned on the Burgemeester de Beaufortweg and ended up in the shopping-centre De Biezenkamp. I knew i was close, but i didn’t know exactly where my parents house was. I walked on, started to recognize a bit of the surroundings and there it was!

It did take me around an hour and a half to walk. I didn’t walk the planned route, but i didn’t mind that. I do enjoy the walking. Even though i was red faced and a bit sweaty when i arrived at my mum’s.

You can see the map after the read more link.

I didn’t make any photos this walk. All the more reason to try and describe my walk as best as i can.

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Published on May 14, 2015 at 6:00 by

A walk in Rotterdam: the Kralingse Bos

It was a warm day this monday. The sun was shining, a light breeze. So i went out for a walk. Not too long, around the Kralingse Bos, again. A slightly different route this time. I took the tram and got out closer to the forest.

It was wonderful. Birds were singing, usually there was a great smell of green and flowers. Sometimes it was a shitty smell, but hey! that’s also part of it. It was adorable.

The leaves all felt so delicate, so fragile. I took some pictures of them. It was simply amazing.

Some pictures after the break. Enjoy!

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Published on May 12, 2015 at 6:00 by

A walk in Rotterdam: the Rottemeren

It was King’s Day yesterday, Monday April 27, in the Netherlands. I did watch the start of the official celebrations in the morning, but turned it of after an hour and decided to go for a walk. It was not warm, quite chilly really, around 12 degrees Celsius, but the sun was shining. I did wear a woolen sweater, which made it good to go for me.

A walk i wanted to make for some time was a walk to the Rottemeren. I actually live besides the Rotte, so it was easy, simply walk past the small river out of the city towards the country. In the beginning i was in the city mostly, with many houses around. Towards the Rottemeren they did disappear, but i was two hours walking by that time. It is one of the most densely populated areas in the Netherlands, so it’s hard to be all alone with a clean view of the land.

I did meet a nice woman halfway, Nelleke. We walked up for an hour or so, talking about plants, birds, the royal family, and lots of other things. I did ask her if she would mind if i mentioned her in this post. As you can read, she didn’t! I also took a picture. I gave her the address of this blog, so hopefully she reads this post.

When we reached the Rottemeren, she turned back and walked back home. I went further along. I had decided to take a bus back to Rotterdam from Bleiswijk. There was a restaurant at the corner, Meerenbos. I had two croquettes with brown bread and sat there for a bit. I then walked to the center of Bleiswijk and, after around 15 minutes of waiting, the bus came. I had asked in the restaurant how to get back to Rotterdam, so i knew i had to take the bus to the RailstadRail metro from Rodenrijs and travel from there to Rotterdam. By the time i got the bus, it was almost half past five. I had left home half past one, so it was quite a walk i had made. I’m guessing it was around 18-20 kilometers.

Right now i’m still tired. I’ll be off to bed soon. Hopefully for a good nights sleep.

Good night lovelies, don’t let the bed bugs bite!

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Published on April 28, 2015 at 6:00 by

A walk in Rotterdam: around the Kralingse Plas

Wednesday it was gorgeous weather. A blue sky, a bit of wind, around 19 Celsius in Rotterdam. I went out for a walk around the Kralingse Plas, a lake in Rotterdam with a large park around it. It was busy in the park, especially at the water. People were lying in the grass in swimwear, standing at the water and playing. I walked through them and went for a path going around the water. It got quieter.

I did notice the work of the forest managers. They left the remains of the chopped off trees lying around all over the place. Moss grew on it, i even saw some mushrooms. When i got at the water again, i saw a pier stretching out into the water. I walked on it and sat for a while at the front, looking out over the water, the sailing boats and the view of the Rotterdam skyline.

I went further along, saw the many people with dogs walking about. Then i walked back over the the Oudedijk and got home. It was around 10 kilometers, took me around three hours, with me sitting for a bit and taking the photos. Loved it!

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Published on April 16, 2015 at 6:00 by

Shop: Wijnkoperij Platenburg

I do love to drink a glass of wine during the weekend. In the winter i usually drink some red, in summer i tend to prefer white. Or rosé. It’s not that i know enough about wine. It is such a vast area. I only know some little corners here and there. I do follow a wine tasting channel, WineAlign. But i don’t even dream of ever getting that level of knowledge.

Wijnkoperij Platenburg is my favourite shop to buy my weekly wine. A few wines i do know. The Syrah from La Tour des Dames is by far the wine of my choice. A dry Riesling like the Reichsrat von Buhl Pfalz is another pick. And i do sometimes go for the sweet Moscatel, which i was only adviced about a few months ago.

In my series of posts about shops i do enjoy shopping at, i asked for an interview. They know my blog is still very young, but the owners Ger and Lia Platenburg happily agreed.

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Published on April 14, 2015 at 6:00 by

A walk from Scheveningen to Hoek van Holland

Friday i walked from Scheveningen to Hoek van Holland. The train brought me to Den Haag. There i got on tram 12. The old tram was still running to Duindorp as i remember from when i was a child. My parents are from Scheveningen. My grandparents used to live there, on the Wieringsestraat at the end of Duindorp, looking out over the dunes.

In Scheveningen the sun was shining, but the moment i got on the beach it was misty. I saw the wet clouds driving in from the sea. I loved the look of it.

I don’t remember when i was on the beach the last time. It could be ten years ago, fifteen even. I do remember walking this same walk in the 90s. It did make me feel very happy to be there again. When i used to visit my grandparents, i usually did make a walk over the beach. Sometimes with my nieces and nephews, other times alone. Some of these walks i still remember. It is a part in the Netherlands where you can feel nature a bit. Even though it’s all man made. The sea and the sand and the dunes make a lovely area to be in.

After Kijkduin i saw a high mast standing on the beach. It was a special observant tower The Sand Motor to watch a man made peninsula.

At ‘s Gravenzande i sat in a beach pavilion and ate a plate of chips with mayo. I did have a banana, an apple and water with me. But something savory was too good to let go. I also was a bit tired at that time. To be honest, i thought that maybe i was already at the Hook.

After around 30 minutes i continued and made it! I sat on a bench for a bit at the way in and looked at the sea and the people. The mist had slowly vanished while i was walking south.

I got the train back to Rotterdam. When i got home and looked in the mirror i got a shock. I was actually a bit burned! My face, the lower part of my arms, a spot on my neck and two small bits on my legs were red. The next day i bought a sun protection cream for my face, for the next walk. Not gonna go all red once more.

My new shoes held out great! This was the longest walk i made this year, and i did feel it. Next week i will make a few shorter walks. Not sure i will make posts about them, but i will post something on facebook.

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Published on April 13, 2015 at 6:00 by

A walk from Rotterdam to Delft

Yesterday morning it was misty when i got out of bed. When i checked the predictions i read that it would get sunny in the afternoon. So I could keep my plan to walk from Rotterdam centre to Delft Central Station.

When i checked what would be the best way to walk, i knew i would go past the Schie past the village Zweth. In Rotterdam i went through the neighborhood Blijdorp. After the big freeway junction Kleinpolderplein i would enter Overschie. Walking through the centre i would get at the Schie at the end of it and enter the countryside. Sort of. There is a freeway at the horizon, a train at the other side. But it was quiet, i could hear the birds sing.

In Delft i walked past some old Technical University buildings. Many were still the same as thirty years ago, when i studied there. But there were also many new areas. The centre i did recognize though. The Brabantse Turfmarkt, the Breestraat and de Oude Delft.

The new railway station is underground. It opened March 1 this year. I ate my apple and waited for the train to arrive.

To be honest, i felt my legs. I was able to walk, but I was tired! I had left my house at 11:25, i got back at 16:10. Glad i got home in one piece. A day rest and then i will go for another walk!

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Published on April 9, 2015 at 6:00 by

A walk in Vlaardingen

This Monday i went to Vlaardingen, a small town near Rotterdam. The town where i was born and spend the first 21 years of my life. I do go there occasionally, to visit my sister who lives there. But that’s a quick hop in and out.

It does make me a bit sad walking in that familiar but strange town. So many things have changed. My old nursery school in the Emmastraat isn’t there anymore. My old lower school the J.P. van der Schaar school on the Wilhelminastraat isn’t there anymore either. The town centre is covered now. The park has changed with a lot less green. It still looks nice. It’s a typical small Dutch town with some old streets, some new streets. It’s just not my town.

This isn’t any news to me of course. Years ago i spend a little time in Vlaardingen. I even made a few presents, title and home. It’s all part of my history. Done and dealt with.

The walk lasted for an hour. Than i took the train back home.

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Published on March 24, 2015 at 6:00 by

A walk in Rotterdam: Eiland van Brienenoord

A quiet walk on the Island of Brienenoord. There were only a couple of other people. One was at work on the allotments in the middle of the island. I saw two cars passing by. At the east part i sat on my coat for a while, in a mossy green patch. I ate an apple. I watched over the river. I stared at the boats passing by. At the end of the walk the sun came through a bit more.

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Published on March 20, 2015 at 6:00 by