Categories for Gardening

Euphorbia lathyris

While working in the garden today i saw these plants for the first time ever. The Euphorbia lathyris, in Dutch the wolfsmelk, a poisonous plant. Looks lovely.

All parts of the plant, including the seeds and roots are poisonous. Handling may cause skin irritation as the plant produces latex. While poisonous to humans and most livestock, goats sometimes eat it and are immune to the toxin. However, the toxin can be passed through the goat’s milk.

Published on May 15, 2020 at 6:00 by


A border of plants in Park Pompenburg
With a view on the city
Broad beans in flower
Lovely flower, no idea of the name
Green cherries
Wild garlic and nettle
The Echinacea planted out. Seeded in October last year, it needs a cold period
Planted out in three different spots, two in the flower border
... and one close to the almond trees
A dandelion seed head
A pink rose with a lovely smell 🙂
Published on April 30, 2020 at 6:00 by

A hard day’s work

Today i spend the afternoon working in the Vredestuin Noord. It is a lovely day, the sun is shining. Together with Hilde i spend the afternoon working hard.

We did the following:

  • we seeded three full trays of courgette/zuchini and three full trays of pumpkins
  • we watered all the seedlings and the plants in the greenhouse
  • we watered all the new planted grapes at the pergola, five liters for each grape
  • we watered the calendula, the kohlrabi, the chamomile, the beetroot, the parsnips and other root plants seeded in the bed
  • we talked about Friday, when i will be working at the Vredestuin Noord, we will seed chard and flowers, the cosmos and the zinnia!

Just after five i was simply too tired to harvest anything. I walked back home slowly. I made a salad, with spinach and half a avocado and tomato and pepper and soft goat cheese. Yum! After that i got a cup of coffee. Thanks for that!

And now i’m too tired to do anything else. Bye bye! Enjoy the photos i made!

Published on April 23, 2020 at 6:00 by

Stay safe

Blauwe regen - Blue rain
A green wall
Chives in flower
Sweet peas planted out against some branches binded together - and a blackbird.
A strawberry in flower
In a general context, the Ace of Wands represents good news and new beginnings. It signifies taking action, physically starting something, new initiative and finding new passion, enthusiasm or spark. It is a Minor Arcana card of accepting a challenge, getting fired up and getting in the game. It can also represent discovering your potential or talent and brings a sense of urgency and a new lease of life when it appears in your Tarot spread. This is a card indicates that you have creative spark and are feeling bold and daring. It also signifies spontaneity and excitement so expect fun times when it appears in your Tarot reading. This card can also represent fertility, conception and birth. Source
Published on April 22, 2020 at 6:00 by

Gardening and talking and hard work!

This morning i woke up around eight. I did go to the toilet, but got back into bed for a while. I continued watching some Jordan Peterson’s video’s on youtube. Youtube has so many of them. I’m not sure what i think of Jordan Peterson. I haven’t read any of his books. I do think some of the things he is saying makes sense. I’m not a all out feminist myself. Not the way i used to be. But i need to read more from him, about him and watch more videos. And maybe read his book.

I did fall asleep for a short bit after i finished watching this video. I got out of bed around half past nine. Made breakfast, the almond flour and one egg and a spoon of young white cottage cheese. With bacon.

A quarter to eleven i walked to the garden. Lovely weather. Sunshine, not too cold. At the garden the three of us worked on the broad beans, we watered the plants in the greenhouse who were dry, we watered the beets, we harvested some veggies, like rocket, chervil, chard and kale. We talked about corona. We talked about how we enjoyed the quietness in the cities. The clear blue skies. We talked about the birds. The blackbird, male and female looking for something to eat. The great tit whistling on the pole of the entrance.

I made some pictures of the flowers in the garden. The cherry trees all white against the blue sky and the old Shell building.
The hawthorn flowers in the hedge.

I got a call, just towards the end of the working moment. Brian is on his way and he wants compost. Brian gives us his horse manure, so of course he gets it. Still quite a job getting it all out of the compost, in the wheelbarrows and to his trailer. Bit too much i confess. We sort of half managed it.

Slowly i walked back home. I bought a Turkish pizza and ate it back home on the terrace, around half past three. Then i went upstairs and lied down on my bed and watched some youtube videos. I did put my laundry in the washing machine. For dinner i made a salad. I picked some fries from Ted and Assie. Yum!

And now i sit behind my computer writing this post. I will watch Tussen kunst en kitsch, after that i will brush my teeth and go to bed. I’m tired. Tomorrow a new day!

Published on April 16, 2020 at 6:00 by

Gardening again

This morning i got out of bed around nine. Got out of bed, took in my medication for my diabetes, got dressed and went downstairs and made my breakfast. An oatmeal porridge, with butter and coconut blossom sugar. Lovely.

I went through my usual sources: my rss list reader, facebook, youtube, flipboard. A bit of Stardew. Around half past eleven i went to the supermarket and got a few things: chicken, oatmeal, cream, chocolate, tomato soup.

Back home i went upstairs for bit and played more Stardew. Around one i got down again and made me some lunch: two thin crackers with a spicy chicken curry and minced meat. And a cup of tomato soup. I went upstairs again and wrote the e-mail i got from Hilde in a booklet to bring with me to the garden. I am coronadinator, i need to take care of the people and the tasks. I dressed for the garden and went out, around a quarter to two. I talked with Hilde over the phone while i walked to the bara place on the Zwartjanstraat where i ordered a small bara with chicken curry.

When i got to the garden i made some photos of the blossoming tulips standing close. I opened the kitchen and when i looked outside i saw Lenka and someone else coming down with some buckets filled with plants: the strawberries and eternal leeks we will be planting in the garden. It was good to see them. I talked a bit with Jules – not his real name, but i keep forgetting his name and started to call him Jules, a name he seems to like :). We talked about the current situation, the corona thing whooshing around. Sometimes being ok, sometimes scared, he said.

I don’t feel scared myself. My life has changed so much, i don’t work anymore, i’m still looking for what i want to do, ideas form slowly in my mind. Being scared is not part of my life anymore.

Vlada came, she is the one person working in the garden together with me. So happy we both were to be in the garden once again. Such a lovely feeling. So quiet in the city. We talked about that. The clearer air, hardly any traffic, trains, trams, busses. It feels wonderful. Like a dream.

I had watered the plants in the greenhouse. We started to clear the bed for the broad beans of weeds. We planted out the seedlings in a single row in the middle. The plants are huge! Twenty thirty centimeters! We finished one bed, leaving another one for tomorrow. Tomorrow i will be working in the garden again.

I took a photo of the plants we removed from the bed. Pretty sure it is a weed, but i am curious. I just posted a question on facebook. Maybe someone will recognize the plant.

A small second job is planting out the strawberries in the other part of the garden. We didn’t do all of them, we stopped working at five. We had already closed the greenhouse, we put back all the tools in the work shed. I said goodbye, see you next week!

Walking back home i bought a vegetarian chicken burger an McDonalds. One time this year!

Back home i ate tow more thin crackers with minced meat and mustard. I watched the news and the show after that called M for a bit.

I pulled a tarot card for the day. Temperance. I like this one.

On the Temperance card, there is an angel with wings, whose gender is not immediately obvious, which suggests that there is a balance between the sexes. One foot of the angel is in water, to represent the subconscious, while the other foot is on dry land, a representation of the material world. On her robe, there is a square, which has a triangle inscribed inside, another echo of the tangible earth in union with the holy trinity. She holds two cups in a manner where she can mix the waters, which represent the super and subconscious minds. The water flows between them, suggesting union and infinity.

Everything about this card represents balance, the perfect harmony that comes from the union of dualities. Her advice is to test any new waters, before jumping into the deep end.


Tomorrow at eleven i will be working at the garden again. Happy!

Published on April 15, 2020 at 6:00 by

No gardening for a while

The gardening is stopping as of last Monday. I was really sad when i heard this. Today i have given myself a bit of time to adjust and think about how to fill my future days, for the next few weeks anyway.

I do understand this difficult decision. But i do feel sad. I will really miss being in the gardens and seeding and weeding and looking around and enjoying the birds and the sounds they make.

Luckily it is not a complete lock down yet. We are permitted to go outside when you are alone, so i will go out and make walks. Like i used to do the first two years of maintaining this website.

Tomorrow morning though i have an appointment with the dentist. Not something i look forward to. But it has to be done. An aftermath of the fall i had on 3 February. I don’t think i will do anything active after that, apart from some groceries i want to get.

Friday is gonna be a lovely warm and sunny day. A perfect walking day!

Published on March 26, 2020 at 6:00 by