Invitation and thoughts about moving on
This morning around 12 i went to the bookshop Donner in the center of Rotterdam. I took ‘snert’, a thick pea soup with smoked sausage called ‘rookworst, rye bread with ‘katenspek’, a sort of bacon, but then different. I read the newspaper, my usual one the Trouw (Fidelity).
I sat as i do usually at the large reading table. It has room for my lunch and the newspaper spread out. I was surprised to be asked out for a lunch somewhere else by a gentleman who sat at the same table. I simply answered i lunch at Donner. I didn’t even say no, but i think it was implied by me. Well, i felt a bit flattered, but at the same time i had no desires at all to go out with the gentleman. I have other more important things on my mind, thank you very much.
The last week i had thoughts about this website. Halfway through it the thought crossed my mind to change my frequency of posts. To make it more lively, so to say. To give myself room to make more or less posts as i wish. So i will start after this post. I don’t know what will come out of it. But i hope i will have more posts, most shorter, some drawings, some photo’s, some clips. We will see!
So i will post something in the midst of this week, not at my usual time of 6, but simply when i upload or write something. I hope it will work out!