Another canvas present, this time with a form input. You can change the number from 1 until 100.
Another canvas present, this time with a form input. You can change the number from 1 until 100.
My first canvas and javascript post. I had to do some research on how to make this work. It wasn’t that hard. I already use a plugin to remove the p-tag wordpress inserts. jQuery is used on the site. The script itself is easy.
The first function setCanvas sets the size of the canvas element. There is no way to do this with css, as far as i know.
function setCanvas() { var viewportwidth; var viewportheight; if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined') { viewportwidth = window.innerWidth, viewportheight = window.innerHeight } //set width and height to 80% of total width document.getElementById("can").width = viewportwidth - (.2 * viewportwidth); document.getElementById("can").height = viewportwidth - (.2 * viewportwidth); }
The function drawPresent draws 2500 (50 * 50) squares on the canvas. For each square there is a random colour mixed with Math.round(Math.random() * 255). I added the 1 pixel to the width, because when testing this, i saw white lines between the squares.
function drawPresent() { var canvas = document.getElementById('can'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var ctxwidth = canvas.width; var I_width = ctxwidth / 50; for(var i=0;i<50;i++){ for(var j=0;j<50;j++){ var x = j * I_width; var y = i * I_width; var rgb1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); var rgb2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); var rgb3 = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + rgb1 + ',' + rgb2 + ',' + rgb3 + ')'; ctx.fillRect(x, y, I_width + 1, I_width + 1); } } }
The following code implements these functions in a resize and a load handler. I did need to set the ready and resize functions inside a jQuery(function($)) function. I found this in the fifth part of this post 5 Tips For Using jQuery with WordPress.
jQuery(function ($) { $(window).resize(function () { setCanvas(); setInterval(drawPresent, 1000); }); $(document).ready(function () { setCanvas(); setInterval(drawPresent, 1000); }); });
I did decide to not use the library CreateJS for the time being. I did use this in the final presents i made on It is a way for people who are used to Flash to make canvas easier to implement. Since i last worked with Flash in 2006, i have forgotten so many things about it, that it felt like needing to learn Flash all over again. So i’d rather stick with jQuery for general things and get into Javascript itself to make presents.
I’m using a canvas tutorial from the Mozilla Developer Network to get the basics covered.
As you might know already, or could have guessed from the posts on this website, i do like to walk. A block away from where i live, on the first shopping street there is a curb on the middle of the pavement. Whenever i pass that curb, i walk on it. I have never seen anyone looking at me while i do that. Only one other time i saw a little boy walking the same curb with his mum holding his hand.
For a week or two i do have the idea of filming this. I did that today. This morning the sun was shining, and i went outside and filmed myself! Well, my feet anyway.
At first i wanted to post this on Vine, but i only looked at how to do that once i got home again. Turns out you make the clip inside the app Vine. I didn’t see any uploading of an existing clip in the app. So i’m gonna use Vine for something else. I do like it! This clip is uploaded to youtube.
I also downloaded a small app for my mac, so i could cut a portion of the video and make a gif animation of it. Loving that.
The video is after the break. With sounds of traffic. Enjoy!