Guns, Germs and Steel
Today i got up real early, around five in the morning. I made some keto coffee and i watched the Expeditie Robinson episode sent out yesterday. I do enjoy watching this show, but i would never participate in it. The whole division in groups, the making of ‘bondjes’ is nothing for me.
After that i watched two (or three?) Silent Witness episodes. It was still early days.
Around half past nine i went to the supermarket to get a few things. Coffee, cream and pedal bin bags. I spend the rest of the morning reading further in Guns, Germs and Steel. I do enjoy reading this book. I will need to read pros and cons for this book though.
Around one i went out again, this time to empty my compost bin in the school gardens close by. I made a short walk in the Essenburgpark. The sun was still shining. Right now, around a quarter past two, clouds are slowly covering the sky. It will rain later on in the day.