The past few weeks, whenever this song came along, my heart jumped up. I have known this song since the early 70s. I did have the album, but i sold it when i was around sixteen years old. Still regret it to this day.
I hope you enjoy this version.
Neil Yong Heart of Gold
I want to live, I want to give
I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold
It’s these expressions I never give
That keep me searchin’ for a heart of gold
And I’m getting old
Keep me searchin’ for a heart of gold
And I’m getting old
I’ve been to Hollywood, I’ve been to Redwood
I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold
I’ve been in my mind, it’s such a fine line
That keeps me searchin’ for a heart of gold
And I’m getting old
Keeps me searchin’ for a heart of gold
And I’m getting old
Keep me searchin’ for a heart of gold
You keep me searchin’
And I’m growing old
Keep me searchin’ for a heart of gold
I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold
The song i talked about last week, Reasons, from Earth Wind & Fire. Love this song, but it is a hard one to sing. So this time only a part.
At the first sound i crinch. Eew. It gets a bit better, but it is hard listening to myself. Brrr.
Now, I’m craving your body, is this real
Temperature’s rising, I don’t want to feel
I’m in the wrong place to be real
And I’m longing to love you just for a night
Kissing and hugging and holding you tight
Please let me love you
With all my might
Reasons, the reasons that we’re here
The reasons that we fear
Our feelings won’t disappear
And after the love game has been played
All our illusions were just a parade
And all the reasons start to fade
La, la la la, la, la la la
La, la la la, la, la la la
La, la la la, la, la la la
La, la la la, la, la la la
After all our reasons why
All the reasons were a lie
After all the reasons love
Love was left aside
And, longing to love you for one night
Please let me love you with all of my might, baby
Ooh baby
Reasons, the reasons that we’re here
The reasons that we fear
Our feelings won’t disappear
And after the love games have been played
All our illusions were just a parade
And all the reasons start to fade
And, in the morning when I rise
No longer feeling hypnotized
For no reasons, our reasons, our reasons
Have no pride
After all our reasons why
All the reasons were a lie
After all the reasons love
Love was left aside
I can’t find the reasons
That my love won’t disappear
Can’t find the reasons
Why I love you, my baby, my dear
Can’t find the reasons
Wanna love you all night
Can’t find the reasons
Gotta squeeze ya, real tight
Can’t find the reasons
Baby yeah
For my tears
Can’t find the reasons
Why I love ya
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Mijn Vlakke Land
Wanneer de Noordzee koppig breekt aan hoge duinen
En witte vlokken schuim uiteenslaan op de kruinen
Wanneer de norse vloed beukt aan het zwart basalt
En over dijk en duin de grijze nevel valt
Wanneer bij eb het strand woest is als een woestijn
En natte westenwinden gieren van venijn
Dan vecht mijn land, mijn vlakke land
Wanneer de regen daalt op straten, pleinen, perken
Op dak en torenspits van hemelhoge kerken
Die in dit vlakke land de enige bergen zijn
Wanneer onder de wolken mensen dwergen zijn
Wanneer de dagen gaan in domme regelmaat
En bolle oostenwind het land nog vlakker slaat
Dan wacht mijn land, mijn vlakke land
Wanneer de lage lucht vlak over ‘t water scheert
Wanneer de lage lucht ons nederigheid leert
Wanneer de lage lucht er grijs als leisteen is
Wanneer de lage lucht er vaal als keileem is
Wanneer de noordenwind de vlakte vierendeelt
Wanneer de noordenwind er onze adem steelt
Dan kraakt mijn land, mijn vlakke land
Wanneer de Schelde blinkt in zuidelijke zon
En elke Vlaamse vrouw flaneert in zon-japon
Wanneer de eerste spin zijn lentewebben weeft
Of dampende het veld in juli-zonlicht beeft
Wanneer de zuidenwind er schatert door het graan
Wanneer de zuidenwind er jubelt langs de baan
Dan juicht mijn land, mijn vlakke land
De Nuttelozen Van De Nacht
Ze ontwaken om een uur om vier
Ze ontbijten met een kleintje bier
Ze gaan uit omdat er thuis niets wacht
De nuttelozen van de nacht
Zij gedraagt zich arrogant omdat ze mooie borsten heeft
Hij is zeker en charmant omdat Papa hem centen geeft
Hun onmacht is hun hoogste macht
De nuttelozen van de nacht
Kom, dans met mij
Vriendin, kom hier, vriendin
Kom hier, kom hier
Nee, nee blijf!
Kom dans met mij
Laat ons dansen, lijf aan lijf
Ze braken zonder ziek te zijn
Ze braken zacht en zonder pijn
Ze nemen zich bedroefd de nacht
De nuttelozen van de nacht
Ze bespreken zonder end
De poëzie die geen van hen kent
De romans die geen van hen schreef
De vrouw die bij geen van hen bleef
De grap waarom geen van hen om lacht
De nuttelozen van de nacht
Kom, dans met mij
Vriendin, kom hier, vriendin
Kom hier, kom her
Nee, nee blijf!
Kom, dans met mij
Laat ons dansen, lijf aan lijf
In de liefde zijn ze zo berooid
’t Was, ’t was, ze was zo zacht
Ze was, ach, dat begrijp u nooit
De nuttelozen van de nacht
Ze nemen nog een laatste glas
Vertellen nog een laatste grap
En met een allerlaatste glas
De laatste dans
De laatste stap
Het laatste verdriet
De laatste klacht
De nuttelozen van de nacht
Kom, kom, kom huil met mij
Vriendin, kom hier, vriendin
Kom hier, kom hier
Nee blijf!
Kom, kom huil met mij
Laat ons huilen, lijf aan lijf
De nuttelozen …
Van de nacht …
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Ik hield van jou
Tussen de torens
Van Brugge en Gent
Ay Marieke, Marieke
De tijd gaat gauw
Tussen de torens
Van Brugge en Gent
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Waait de wind, de stomme wind
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Weent de zee, de grijze zee
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Lijdt het licht, het donker licht
En schuurt het zand over mijn land
Mijn platte land, mijn Vlaanderenland
Ay Marieke, Marieke
De Vlaamse lucht
Grijs als de torens
Van Brugge en Gent
Ay Marieke, Marieke
De Vlaamse lucht
Zij weent met mij
Van Brugge tot Gent
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Waait de wind, de stomme wind
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Weent de zee, de grijze zee
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Lijdt het licht, het donker licht
En schuurt het zand over mijn land
Mijn platte land, mijn Vlaanderenland
Ay Marieke, Marieke
De Vlaamse lucht
Woog zij te zwar
Van Brugge tot Gent
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Op onze jeugd
Van Brugge tot Gent
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Lach de duivel, de zwarte duivel
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Brandt mijn hart, mijn oude hart
Zonder liefde, warme liefde
Sterft de zomer, de droeve zomer
En schuurt het zand over mijn land
Mijn platte land, mijn Vlaanderenland
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Breng terug die tijd
Die mooie tijd
Van Brugge en Gent
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Breng terug die tijd
Van onze liefde
In Brugge en Gent
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Als d’avond spreidt
Dan lokken mij
Van Brugge tot Gent
Ay Marieke, Marieke
Met armen weijd
De diepe vijvers
Van Brugge en Gent
Van Brugge en Gent
Van Brugge en Gent
Van Brugge en Gent
Rosa rosa rosam
Rosae rosae rosa
Rosae rosae rosas
Rosarum rosis rosis
Tango uit een grijs verleden
Die de schooljeugd van het heden
Op moet dreunen als gebeden
Bij het leren van Latijn
Tango van de lyceïsten
Die hun jeugd eraan verkwisten
En die dokteren aan listen
Om te ontkomen aan die pijn
Tango die de strenge ouders
Laden op de smalle schouders
Van hun Keesjes die de houders
Van het roer der toekomst zijn!
De Burgerij
Dronken, dol en dwaas
Beet ik in mijn bier
Bij de dikke Siaam uit Monverland
Ik dronk een glas met Klaas
Ik dronk een glas met Pier
En sprong er aardig uit de band
Die klaas hij voelde zich een Dante
Die Peer wou Casanova zijn
En ik de superarrogante
Ik dacht dat ik mezelf kon zijn
En om twaalf uur als de burgertroep
Huisging uit hotel de Goudfazant
Dan scholden wij ze poep
En zongen vol vuur pet in de hand
Burgerij, mannen van het jaar nul
Vette burgerkliek
Vette vieze varkens
Burgerij tamme zwijnenspul
Al die burger is is een ouwe
Dronken, dol en dwaas
Beet ik in mijn bier
Bij de dikke Siaam uit Monverland
Ik dronk een vat met Klaas
Ik dronk een fust met Pier
En sprong er heftig uit de band
Klaas Dante danste als mijn tante
En Casanova was te bang
Maar ik de superarrogante
Was zelfs voor mezelf niet bang
En om twaalf uur als de burgertroep
Huisging uit hotel de Goudfazant
Dan scholden wij ze poep
En zongen vol vuur pet in de hand
Burgerij, mannen van het jaar nul
Vette burgerkliek
Vette vieze varkens
Burgerij tamme zwijnenspul
Al die burger is is een ouwe
Elk instinct dwaas
Zoek ik mijn vertier
‘S Avonds in hotel de Goudfazant
Met meester-facteur Klaas
En met notaris Pier bespreek
Ik daar de avondkrant
En Klaas citeert eens wat uit Dante
Of Pier haalt Casanova aan
En ik ik bleef de superarrogante
Ik haal nog steeds mijn eigen woorden aan
Maar gaan wij naar huis meneer de brigadier
Dan staat daar bij die Siaam uit Monverland
Een hele troep gespuis
Dronken van al het bier dat zingt dan van
Burgerij, mannen van het jaar nul
Vette burgerkliek vette vieze varkens
Ja meneer de brigadier ja dat zingen ze
Burgerij tamme zwijnenspul
Al die burger is is een ouwe
I never was a huge Fleetwood Mac fan. I have one single in my collection. Go Your Own Way. A few weeks ago i saw Nerdwriter‘s video on how Fleetwood Mac creates this song, Dreams. I know this song. Of course. But this video made me realize how beautiful this song is. Haunting. So i am choosing this song to sing. Now. I hope you enjoy it.
Dreams Fleetwood Mac
Now here you go again
You say you want your freedom
Well, who am I to keep you down?
It’s only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat.. drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost…
And what you had…
And what you lost
Thunder only happens when it’s raining
Players only love you when they’re playing
Say… Women… they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean… you’ll know, you’ll know
Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
It’s only me
Who wants to wrap around your dreams and…
Have you any dreams you’d like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness…
Like a heartbeat… drives you mad…
In the stillness of remembering what you had…
And what you lost…
And what you had…
And what you lost
Thunder only happens when it’s raining
Players only love you when they’re playing
Say… Women… they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean… you’ll know
Thunder only happens when it’s raining
Players only love you when they’re playing
Say… Women… they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean… you’ll know
When the rain washes you clean… you’ll know
You’ll know
You’ll know
You’ll know
I bought cd’s from Crowded House in the 90s from this book and music membership thing i had for a short time. It seemed to me the best i could buy there. It wasn’t my favourite music, but it has grown on me. A couple of Crowded House’s songs have stuck. This one for instance, It’s Only Natural. I love the melody and the lyrics. I hope you will enjoy my performance.
It’s Only Natural
Ice will melt, water will boil
You and I can shake off this mortal coil
It’s bigger than us
You don’t have to worry about it
Ready or not, here comes the drop
You feel lucky when you know where you are
Y’know, it’s gonna come true
Here in your arms, I remember
It’s only natural
That I should want to be there with you
It’s only natural
That you should feel the same way, too
It’s easy when you don’t try going on first impressions
Man in a cage has made his confession
Now, you’ve seen me at my worst
And it won’t be the last time I’m down there
I want you to know I feel completely at ease
Read me like a book
That’s fallen down between your knees
Please, let me have my way with you
It’s only natural
That I should want to be there with you
It’s only natural
That you should feel the same way, too
It’s circumstantial
It’s nothing written in the sky
And we don’t even have to try
But we’ll be shaking like mud
Buildings of glass
Sink into the bay
They’ll be under the rocks again
You don’t have to say
I know you’re afraid
It’s only natural
That I should want to be there with you
It’s only natural
That you should feel the same way, too
It’s circumstantial
It’s something I was born to
It’s only natural
Can I help it if I want to?
The song Sweet Dreams was released in 1983. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Eurythmics. Still, i know their songs as the fabric on which my life played in the early 80s. Still young.
This song has a very basic song structure. Lots of repetition. A clear message: everybody’s looking for something. And then of course: who am i to disagree?
I like the video clip. The cows make an excellent performance. Annie Lennox is a wonderful singer and performer.
Sweet Dreams – Eurythmics
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something
Hold your head up, keep your head up, movin’ on
Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up, movin’ on
Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up, movin’ on
Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused
Hold your head up, keep your head up, movin’ on
Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up, movin’ on
Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up, movin’ on
Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something
The “Sweetest Girl”, i remember the first time i heard this song. 1986, 11 February, a Tuesday. That afternoon i went to Haddock, a record shop i didn’t go to that much. Browsing through the records, i just happened to come across it. The summer before i got to know Cupid & Psyche ’85. A record i loved. So this one i bought straight away. Songs to Remember.
Riding home on my bike, i was excited. Happy. I put the record on straightaway. Loving it. Yes, it was different that Cupid & Psyche. Of course. But i still loved the songs.
I still remember what happened when i first heard The “Sweetest Girl”. I did throw the I Ching. I have mentioned it here before. Not sure why i did, but in that time i threw the I Ching a lot, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for me. I got number 13 Fellowhip with Men with a changing line on the fifth line.
Life leads the thoughtful man on a path of many windings.
Now the course is checked, now it runs straight again.
Here winged thoughts may pour freely forth in words,
There the heavy burden of knowledge must be shut away in silence.
But when two people are at one in the inmost hearts,
They shatter even the strength of iron or of bronze.
And when two people understand each other in their inmost hearts,
Their words are sweet and strong, like the fragrance of orchids.
I didn’t know what it meant. Not apart from what first springs to mind. I was in love. Or so i thought. Not that i changed anything in my life. I was too old to take this at it presented itself. I knew i believed it. I knew it felt true. At the time. But no way i would let this change my life in any way. But, i never forgot it.
Only recently, two years ago or something, i realized i wasn’t in love. I idolized Green, sure. But no love. I never even dreamed of having sex with him. It was some strange calling i felt. Like i felt with other groups, like the Talking Heads. It was always strongest with Scritti though.
Looking back on this string of events running through my life, ending with me giving my drawings to Green, i do realize this does make me feel terribly happy. It is not a big thing, but it is something i cherished within me. At times it went into the background, at times i almost forgot. Almost. But it always remained a part of me and of my life. Something which makes me feel extremely happy.
Last week i suddenly realized i wanted to sing this song, The “Sweetest Girl”. I did mean to do it for last Friday, but my Walking Back Home post simply came into. I love the title of that post. It came so easy, and it is literally true. It is what i did at the time. But there are more meanings surrounding that title. Of course.
Today i did sing this song. Not perfectly. But with my whole heart.
Scritti Politti
The “Sweetest Girl”
Sweetest girl in all the world
His eyes are for you only
Sweetest girl in all the world
His eyes are for you only
Sweetest girl in all the world
His words have died before me
Sweetest girl in all the world
His words have died before me
When they walk in the park, I never can tell
When they walk in the dark, I never can tell
It’s just loving – ooh loving
The sweetest boy in all the world
His life has got so lonely
Sweetest boy in all the world
His life has got so lonely
Sickest group in all the world
How could they do this to me
The sickest group in all the world
How could they do this to me
What I want I will take, what you think that you know
Oh such an awful mistake to never let go
It’s just loving – ooh loving
The weakest link in every chain
I always want to find it
The strongest words in each belief
Find out what’s behind it
Politics is pride too
Vagaries of science
She left because she understood
The value of defiance
When the government falls, I wish I could tell
When, oh when necessity calls, I never can tell
It’s just loving – ooh loving
Sweetest girl in all the world
These words are for you only
Sweetest girl in all the world
These words have died before me
When they walk in the park, I never can tell
When they walk in the dark, you know that it never can be told
Human Nature is a wonderful song and piece of music.
Earlier this week i saw a teaser for Stranger Things season 2. I enjoyed watching the first season late last year. The Michael Jackson song Thriller is used in the second half of the teaser. This triggered something in me. For the past few days i’ve been listening to this album. Dancing to it!
When this album came out, i was too much into new wave music to pay much attention to this. I do remember the clip though. The first time it was broadcasted in the Netherlands. I was babysitting two little children in my house. We were sitting on the couch, me in the middle and watching television. I knew Thriller would be on. We talked about it a bit. And watched it, the full fourteen minutes! Scary! The children closed their eyes sometimes. Me too!
When Bad came out a couple of years later, i did buy the album. I was more into mainstream music at the time. Years lter i bought Off the Wall and Thriller on CD.
I admit, i wasn’t a huge fan. But this week it did sink in more than ever. The album Thriller is absolutely wonderful. Off the Wall is great too, but i gotta say it here, Thriller is sublime. Not all the songs, no. But still. Billie Jean, Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’, Beat It, Thriller, P.Y.T. And then of course Human Nature.
My version i do like. Still not excellent, no. But yes, i do like it. I should have practiced more i guess. I did sing it for the past few days a couple of times. But these songs i sing is not about me being perfect.
I hope you will enjoy this!
Human Nature – Michael Jackson
Looking out
Across the nighttime
The city winks a sleepless eye
Hear her voice
Shake my window
Sweet seducing sighs
Get me out
Into the nighttime
Four walls won’t hold me tonight
If this town
Is just an apple
Then let me take a bite
If they say,
Why, why, tell ’em that it’s human nature
Why, why, does he do it that way
If they say,
Why, why, tell ’em that it’s human nature
Why, why does he do me that way
Reaching out
To touch a stranger
Electric eyes are everywhere
See that girl
She knows I’m watching
She likes the way I stare
If they say,
Why, why, tell ’em that it’s human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
If they say,
Why, why, tell ’em that it’s human nature
Why, why does he do me that way
I like livin’ this way
I like lovin’ this way
(That way) Why why
(That way) Why why
Looking out
Across the morning
Where the city’s heart begins to beat
Reaching out
I touch her shoulder
I’m dreaming of the street
If they say,
Why, why, tell ’em that it’s human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
If they say,
Why, why, ooo tell ’em
Why, why does he do me that way
If they say why, why, cha cha cha cha cha cha
Why does he do me that way
If they say why, why, why, ooo tell ’em
Why does he do me that way
If they say why, ooo tell ’em
Why does he do me that way
If they say why, da da da da da da da da
Why does he do my that way, I like living this way
Why, oh why, why, why