Categories for Rotterdam

Another round

Today i made another walk around and through the city. I do feel a bit sad that it is so quiet. So deadly quiet. It is not that i shop that much myself. Quite the opposite, i would prefer people to buy less things they do not need anyway. But this silence does feel unnatural.

I did first walk to the Vredestuin Noord. We drank a cup of tea and the others went on to work in the garden. I left and walked past my old home to the pharmacy, the apotheek. After that i went to the library, the bibliotheek, to return the one book i had and hadn’t finished yet. Then i went into the supermarket and got something to eat for the next two days before i move to the next room this Friday.

I walked past the square where the snackbar stands where i bought a frikandel with fritessaus and a bit of tomato ketchup. I sat on the square and looked around for a bit while i ate my food.

Then onwards home.

To be honest, i am really tired. This walk lasted around three hours. Pfff 🙂

Published on January 7, 2021 at 6:00 by

Walking through the city

Today i had an appointment with my dietician. Yesterday i checked on the map how long i would be walking from where i am staying now to all the way to Kralingen: an hour! So i walked, through the empty city, the Highstreet, the Slaak all the way to the dietician. I told her i had thought about my health and made a decision to be more strict. I also had my supplements for magnesium and vitamin D3 with me. The magnesium does make me sleep better so far. It can also be a placebo effect of course. You never know. My plans for the future are to calculate my macro’s, the amount of protein and fat i should take daily. The carbohydrates is set to 20 grams. It was a pleasant talk. I like my dietician. Eline is her name. (Waves to Eline! 🙂

An hour walking back. When i got home i made my dinner. After that i made coffee with some of the Belgian chocolate thins i bought this afternoon in the Gimsel when i was walking home.

And just yet i was browsing Netflix. And Pride and Prejudice is there! The 1995 BBC series, which i love! So yeah, i started it up, but decided to type this post first.

Ooh, the last photo is a poem of Jules Deelder the most famous Rotterdam poet which is on a wall of a building on the Vierambachtstraat. I saw it for the first time a couple of weeks ago. It touched me.


Ons gaan is een komen
Ons komen een gaan

De zin van het leven
is dat we vergaan

De wereld van iedereen
Niemand de baas

Het heden is eeuwig
Alles is waar

God of Jehova
Allah Jahweh

De één is de ander
De ander de één

Ontsteekt uw geweten
Kijkt om u heen

Het lot dat we delen
laat niemand alleen

Jules Deelder (1944-2019)
uit: Ruisch (2011)

Published on January 6, 2021 at 6:00 by